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Jon - High Altitude Training

My name is Jon and I’m 65 years old.  I have been training at Warrnambool 24/7 Gym & Fitness for quite a few years. 

When I started, my main focus was pretty much ego driven so going for big muscles and not much else but as I have gotten older and wiser (although my wife may not agree with the wiser) my focus has moved toward a more balanced and functional approach to training.  I have been using Metabolic Conditioning (MetCon) over recent years as this has provided a really good physical and mental challenge as well as building my strength and endurance.  Incidentally most of my aches and pains, probably caused by overstressing muscles and joints with heavy weighs, have virtually disappeared.

As no doubt most gym heads experience from time to time, my motivation has declined over the last few months, I felt like I had plateaued - I tried different programs but nothing really gave me the stimulus and drive that was missing.

About a month ago Stuart (Rooster) approached me and offered to show me around the altitude room.  At the time my view was that altitude training was probably good for high performance athletes wanting to get that extra edge but not for the average punter. 

He got me on the Woodway, a self-propelled type of treadmill that wouldn’t be out of place in a torture chamber, ‘just run 100 metres and then do 10 slam balls’ he said – child’s play I thought – I was gasping for breath after 1 set, it was like I had walked in to the gym for the first time, then he got me on the assault bike ‘I want you to cruise for 20 seconds and then flat out for 10’ – I tried to be a bit less enthusiastic but after a couple of sprints I was gone!

I quickly came to the realisation that this was a completely new ball game providing a new set of mental and physical challenges – my motivation was back big time.

 I’m not really up to speed with the science/physiology of this type of training but I found that my performance and capacity in the altitude environment has improved in direct relationship with the amount of effort I am prepared to put in.   For example after 4 weeks I can do 10 minutes on the assault bike 20 seconds off 10 seconds on without collapsing in a gasping sweaty heap. Having said that I still find the Woodway really challenging – not sure if I will ever master it but I’ll keep trying.

The other thing that I have noticed is my performance in the regular gym especially my recovery has improved out of sight.  I have a hate-hate relationship with Burpees but I make myself do them as part of a MetCon workout at least once a week, they usually leave me breathless for 20 to 30 seconds, now I am ready to go again within 10 or so seconds.  Take that you bastards – I think I’ll do another set!

For those of you who want to try something different altitude training offers a new set of experiences, challenges, and opportunities for physical and mental reward that I highly recommend.

Dulcie - My journey with Alzheimers & the High Altitude Room

“My journey with Alzheimer’s began on Friday 5th December 2017.

I was diagnosed by Dr Waterson and was told I was restricted from driving. This hit very hard. The anxiety of not knowing what my mental state was going to be when I woke up each day was debilitating and caused a lot of depression.

February 2018: I tried to live a normal life and do normal things, including returning to the gym.  After a period of training, my instructor noticed an improvement in my general wellbeing. I finally was able to get back into gardening, though I tired very easily. Finally got my license back.

March – April 2018: Felt lousy with no energy and my blood pressure dropped. At this point, confusion and forgetfulness became really bad. My husband Rob discussed this with another health professional and I was advised to go off meditation and try supplementing with organic coconut oil. This worked great for me and I felt good and the GP agreed that not all drugs suit everybody. Rob and I packed our bags and set off to a fantastic river cruise in Europe.

August 2018: Still feeling good except for confusion & mixing things up. At this point, I was no longer able to rely on memory any longer. This then led to me becoming very antisocial and not wanting to go out with friends. I would often find myself not remembering any details of conversations and mixing up days for appointments. This caused a lot of embarrassment and frustration.

June 2020: I spoke to Stuart, the owner of the gym and he suggested I try exercising in the High Altitude room.

After a few sessions, there was a remarkable difference to my wellbeing, my brain fog dissipated, and I can now do the gardening and housework with plenty of energy. I am also back socialising with my friends and family whom were having a hard time coming to terms with my Alzheimer’s diagnosis.  I now receive a lot of comments on how well I look, and my more positive and energetic demeaner.

October 2020: I have continued with my sessions in the High Altitude room and continue to see benefits and a sustained sense of wellbeing. I am now looking forward to many years of good health and vitality. Though I still having trouble remembering, I now feel so much better and am thankful for the life the High Altitude training has given back to me.

September 2020: To this day Dulcie still uses the High Altitude room twice per week, and finds it thoroughly improves her quality of life with day-to-day activities. Her initial improvement has remained, and appears to have stabilised, and Dulcie continues to enjoy the feeling of wellbeing.

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Raya Gillie - High Altitude Training Running Results

Raya used our High Altitude Training room in her training for the Melbourne Marathon. Leading up to the event Raya did minimal outdoor training and minimal long runs – majority of her training was done in our High Altitude room. Raya ran the marathon on 3 hours 36 minutes – taking 8 minutes of her personal best time! A massive benefit that Raya experienced was her recovery time. As soon as she finished she ran around for another 2 hours cheering on her family and friends, and was back in the gym 2 days later doing a High Altitude class – in comparison to previous years Raya would collapse straight after the race from the fatigue in her legs and would be sore all week.

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Julia and Fiona
Fiona & Julia started training in our High Altitude room twice per week - fast forward 5 months and they have both lost over 20kgs each and say they have never felt better; both physically and mentally!

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Jenine - High Altitude Running Results

Being a very keen long distance runner, Jenine has used High Altitude Training in the lead up to many of her running events.
Jenine achieved a personal best of 3.58 in the Portland Marathon; Jenine continues to significantly improve her previous running times, taking 29 minutes off in comparison to her time at the Melbourne Marathon the previous year.
Jenine wasn’t initially even planning on running the Portland Marathon but had just returned home from The Great Barrier Reef Marathon - a very difficult run including everything from hills, deep mud, humid conditions, sand running, pouring rain, & even cane toads - and was feeling so good that she decided she had to do it! Jenine came 4th in the Portland Marathon and is stoked with her new personal best!

Jenine also ran the 36km Wonderland run in Halls Gap and took 45 minutes of her time from the previous year!

Jenine then took part in the 30km run at the You Yangs and ran a time of 3.06 - beating her previous personal best by 10 minutes.
Jenine has thanked us for how great she is feeling and how her running has improved significantly thanks to High Altitude Training!⠀

Ele Lumsden – Injury Recovery

A few years ago I sustained a severe tear in my hip flexor which was a huge setback with my strength training and running. I had treatment from an osteo and attempted months of rehab with poor results. I started High Altitude Training and after about 3 weeks things really turned a corner. I regained strength in my posterior chain, my fitness started to immensely improve and had very little pain. I was even able to complete a 10km with a faster time before my injury. I truly believe that the increase in red blood cells from training in High Altitude helped to eliminate waste from the site of injury and allowed for improved mobility. My strength went up to a new level and I’ve never felt better!

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